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Intuition, it's that knowing from your body, from your gut, your sacral, your throat - where ever in your body it speaks to you the most and learning to follow the signals when you get them is such an important part of inner work that is often ignored...  

I have always had a strong gut feeling, since I was a teenager I remember instances when my tummy nervousness or even pains from a decision would be trying to tell me something that just wasn't logical... I would ignore them and things would go very wrong. This is how I learnt to trust my gut feelings and learnt to tune inwards more that listening for outward validation... 

Intuition: The Mistakes

Well life is a certainly a journey, that I do know and as someone who has always been interested and drawn to the more spiritual elements of my practice and yoga, it is funny that I really didn't learn to listen to my sacral and my gut feelings till well into my 30s! Through some pretty epic failures on my part... 

Whilst working as a fashion designer, which feels like a lifetime ago now, I had to hire and interview people a lot. One such occasion when my boss followed up on a particular girl I even remember saying to her, i'm not sure why, but my tummy, every time we talk about her (she had come in several times for interview at this point) every time my boss said, 'and what's your thoughts?'... my tummy would twinge. Nothing too big, just an uneasy feeling I got, like a knot in your stomach. But on paper, she looked great, there was nothing logical to tell me otherwise, she was a good graduate from a big fashion school, so I gave her the job trial and she started the following week. 

To say it didn't work out would be an understatement... the first few days she was there, things started to go missing... tops for the new collections we were packing to take down the Harrods by the end of the week... we just couldn't find, another dress that was in the collection reviews happening the following day... unpacking the samples from the factory, we checked each piece in signed them and they went for steaming... I searched EVERYWHERE - high and low - in the bathrooms, behind cupboards, the fabric cupboard, under tables and stayed way into the night trying to work out what could have happened as it was checked into the studio, it had to be there - the only conclusion was from then on start to doing bag checks, which was really sad as it was such a small and tight team! 

By the end of the second week, Oyster cards (underground london travel card) were going missing from people's purses and money, so as there was only one real change in the company it was made pretty obvious to me by the other girls that she was not to be trusted... my boss said to me... very firmly 'She has to leave now - we cannot have her in the building anymore, what if she takes something from my archive?! you have to ask her to pack up, this is not going to work out and you... HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR GUT... it was trying to tell you something before you hired her and you ignored all those signals.' 

So that was a pretty big lesson... did I remember... well not entirely! Another very vivid lesson came at the beginning of starting Kati Kaia. Purse strings are always tight when starting up, I borrowed some money from my dad and pooled all my savings together with credit cards and a start up grant from the UK gov to get my first stock and set up all the pieces. I have no husband in finance or big family fund, just grit, luck and very hard work, being open to every opportunity that came my way... This opportunity came via a 'tradeshow' for start up brands to get in front on the biggest buyers, but in a more relaxed and informal way in a private members apartment, which is exactly what I had wanted to do to attract the good buyers, with specific themed spaces for each brand to showcase. I had seen such spaces in Paris before during fashion week, as I used to go to buy prints for the US market - the print company would hire the townhouse and each new print designer would have their own space/room to view their collections... it sounds like a great idea to bring that to the UK and invite buyers from the top stores like Harrods, Selfridges and Fenwicks etc to your space...

The night before the payment was due I was so anxious, my tummy was doing backflips, I nearly pulled out running things through my head something didn't make sense, my body was uneasy and then again seeking outside help, I ran it passed an advisor I was working with who said it seemed like a great opportunity to get seen by some big retailers so I did it - I signed up - made the payment and got things together. 

The week before the showing, there was 'major flooding on the roof' so they had to cancel and change venue... ok... then another delayed... 'building work not ready' I thought these guys are choosing the weirdest places, I wanted out - so I asked for my money back and said I couldn't trust they would deliver and was no longer excited to take part. Nothing... no news... their website was taken down... social media accounts closed... I wrote repeatedly to them with no response, tracked them down to mostly be in Nigeria with one CEO of the company based in UK who I did find on Linkedin and wrote to him repeatedly with surprise no response, a bunch of conmen. They probably got thousands out of new startup and small creative businesses with their fancy marketing decks, which is just awful, luckily I hadn't bought their bigger spaces as to me a plinth showcase costed enough... but there you go again... ignoring those tummy somersaults and intuition when it is trying to tell you something is off! 

So now, I am a lot more tuned in than ever before, I have realised through my exploration into human design, I have an inner authority of an emotional solar plexus, so that makes perfect sense.  When my body tells me something, I need to believe it. Exploring your human design can be a great way to explore your make up and see how you are built to be in the world. For me - it just made perfect sense! 

Ritual To Ignite Your Intuition - Kati Kaia Human Design
Human Design Chart by Jenna Zoe

Emotional Solar Plexus, 6:3, Role Model / Martyr 

"Your inner wisdom is calling you. Your inner wisdom has a clear way of speaking."

How do you learn to listen? 

Intuition, that inner whisper guiding us through life’s decisions, often feels elusive yet profoundly powerful. It's that voice inside nudging you toward certain choices or warning you to step back. But with the noise of daily life, tuning into intuition can feel difficult. How can we learn to truly listen? 

Thalassa Yoga Mat by Kati Kaia
Thalassa Yoga Mat shot by LDC London /collections/artistry-yoga-mats

Quiet the Mind, Give It The Space To Speak Through Mindfulness and Meditation

A mind that is constantly engaged in thinking and worrying has little room to notice intuitive signals. Quieting the mind allows you to become more aware of what’s happening beneath the surface. Try incorporating these practices:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Start with a few minutes a day focusing on your breath or simply observing your thoughts without judgment. This helps in building awareness of your mind’s activity and allows you to become more attuned to subtle intuitive thoughts.
  • Daily Reflection: Spend five to ten minutes each day reflecting on any intuitive feelings you had throughout the day, like gut feelings or sudden thoughts, and what actions you took as a result. This is a great practice to get into your daily habits. 

With regular practice, you’ll create space in your mind for intuitive insights to surface more easily. I like to keep a journal to hand after. 

Kati Kaia Yoga Mat - Erytheia
Kati Kaia Erytheia Mat with Laura /products/coral-erytheia-yoga-mat

Connect with Your Body

Our bodies often pick up on intuitive cues faster than our conscious minds. The "gut feeling" is more than a metaphor—it’s literally the feeling you might get in your stomach, chest, or even as a change in your heart rate when you’re about to make a decision. Practice tuning into these physical sensations by:

  • Body Scanning: Lie down or sit comfortably, then focus on each part of your body, noting any sensations, tightness, or changes. By connecting more with your body, you’ll be more likely to notice how different decisions physically affect you.
  • Trusting Gut Reactions: When faced with a decision, notice any immediate sensations you feel in your body. Your first physical response is often an intuitive signal.

 Take Note of "Coincidences"

We all experience "coincidences" that seem to happen at just the right time, as if the universe is giving us a nudge. Pay attention to these moments. They might be signs pointing you in a particular direction. Reflect on these events in your journal to gain deeper insight into what they might mean for you.

Original Painting Artworks with Mats
Original Intuitive Artworks by Kati /collections/artistry-yoga-mats

Practice Self-Compassion and Let Go of Self-Doubt

Doubt is the enemy of intuition. When we’re overly self-critical or anxious about making "wrong" decisions, we cut off access to our intuitive insights. Cultivating self-compassion means forgiving yourself for past mistakes and recognizing that growth comes from learning and experimenting. When you’re kind to yourself, you’re more likely to trust your instincts.

Take Small, Intuitive Risks

Start by practicing small acts of intuition daily. These could be as simple as taking a different route to work, reaching out to a friend you suddenly thought about, or saying yes to an opportunity without overthinking. Experimenting with smaller intuitive choices will build confidence and trust in your inner guidance over time.

Journals and notebooks for Kati kaia
Image by Roman Odintsov

Journal to Reflect on Your Intuition

Writing regularly can help you track and recognise patterns in your intuitive experiences. Try asking yourself questions like:

  • What was my initial feeling about a situation?
  • Did I follow my intuition, or did I ignore it?
  • How did the decision turn out?

By reviewing these reflections, you’ll start to see where your intuition was accurate and where you might have ignored it. This can give you more trust in your instincts over time.

Sage Cleansing, burning Palo Santo, a sacred wood or connecting to your body through smell or touch senses are great ways to ease the nervous system in our manic world. Our Rituals Calm Kit, has tools that can help to soothe and calm, grounding you to connect to your inner self and your intuition. 

Why do we practice rituals?  

Many of us, in a hidden part of our soul, remember both our divine and primal roots.

Ritual has been described as the design of energy, the art of changing consciousness at will and the art of transformation.

Rituals invites us to dive deeper into our innate power and humble grace.  It invites us to become our own spiritual authority and to align with the sacred as we create new pathways of being.

Many of us, in a hidden part of our soul, remember both our divine and primal roots. Modern, co-creative rituals can bring ancient wisdom back into our busy lives in meaningful, deeply felt, and healing ways. It is an act of courage, hope, and artistry.

It is time for the collective to reconnect with self, community, the earth, and the Source.

So many of us have become disconnected from the earth, our inner knowing, one another, and Spirit.

Remembering the ancient art of ritual or practices that connect can offer ways to heal ourselves and each other. Ritual builds community, creates art and magic, supports us in being present with ourselves, each other and the earth.

Your intuition is a valuable guide. By tuning into your body, cultivating a quiet mind, and practicing small acts of intuitive awareness, you’ll gradually strengthen your ability to hear and trust this inner voice. Embrace this journey as a path toward deeper self-understanding and alignment with your life’s purpose. After all, you already have all the wisdom you need—it’s just a matter of listening.



Download our free ignite your rituals PDF and see where these amazing practices can help you and take your listening body... it all starts small - with simply acts that help you to grow and start to play with elements that inspire calmer moments in your life, whether that be mala beads, yoga, sage or incense use and cleansing... it all starts to tune inwards to ask your body questions and in that way.... learning the power of somatics.  

Kati Kaia

Kati Treble

Kati is an artist, yogi and founder of Kati Kaia,  6:3 Role Model / Martyr and Cave Environment in human design - you will find her most comfortable in the corner cave, back to the wall looking out at all that surrounds... Kati is on a mission to share the power of movement and yoga for mental health, alongside painting for creative expression of the soul, through making the best and most sustainable products to use in the world! 

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