Are you looking to work with balancing your chakras or feel like a recurring blockage in your life that needs to move energy through? We have curated our collections to help with working on the balance in your life and to assist your journey to flow and help you to connect deeply to your products and how they can help you. Balancing your chakras can help you to feel brighter, in flow and connected to your self and surroundings.
If you need help to work out which of your Chakras might be causing you trouble or where to start, please take our Charkra Quiz or contact us in the Chat, we love to hear from you and give personalised advice.
The Seven Chakras
Tout magasiner
Chakra racine Muladhara
Chakra sacré
Chakra du plexus solaire
Chakra du cœur, Anahata
Chakra de la gorge
Chakra du troisième œil
Chakra de la Couronne
Apothicaire végétalien pur - Huiles et sprays de yoga
Meditation and Yoga Asana can really make a difference in your life, to move energy and help connect within in peace.
Meditation really is the foundation for healing all the chakras and giving yourself space to process emotions and root yourself.