Private Work & Commisions
Kati still shows her work in exhibitions and with Saatchi Art. She works with private clients on creating special pieces for their homes, creative projects, retreats and studios.
Get in touch with your special project.

The use of colour as a form of therapy dates back to 500 BC to the ancient therapeutic practices of India, China and Egypt. These ancient techniques have now been adapted to modern day usage in...

Alchemy of Colour, The Artist's Way
Creative expression, movement and colour are great healers - an energetic sage - which can impact our mood in a moment and bring solace, light us up with pure joy or calm...

The Pursuit of Light
A typical English village is pretty much how you would imagine, a little Sense & Sensibility, Tess of the d'Urbervilles and all those movies, but without the bonnets. Still full of intrigue a...