So like most of the country, well actually the world, here in the UK, we are in isolation and our desks have moved to our bedrooms… along with our yoga practice! Which brought to my attention the extreme amount of content on YouTube, Instagram, Zoom, from here to Timbuktu that I thought a little help for beginners to not get overwhelmed before you even start… take it slowly and find the good places within the chaos of the internet.
So here are 8 online yoga teachers that offer everything you need to start a practice!
There are a lot of yoga options right now, including ones that support local businesses! Free videos on YouTube and other sites, apps, dvds and many UK yoga studios and teachers offering streaming classes on Instagram and on Zoom. There are also books and magazines, we truly do live in the age of communication and my Gemini brain loves it! So where to start? We have trawled the internet, watched the videos and downloaded the apps to find the best places for beginners to stretch out their computer necks, stand tall and turn the mind inwards to the body, switching off.
To start, here are some simple meditations that you can try to really calm the mind, that’s a great place to begin...
Now this concept may sound strange at first, but it really is the first step to shift your attention from the external form of your body and from thoughts about your body (beauty, ugly, strong weak, squishy, boney, physical forms) to feeling the ‘aliveness’ of energy inside it. No matter your appearance, beyond the outer form it is an intensely alive energy field!
If you are not familiar with the inner body, a simple step is to close your eyes and shift your focus to your hands. Become aware of of the subtle feeling within your hands and notice it, you may feel a slight tingle and then a feeling of energy or ‘aliveness’. Don’t ask your mind, go direct to your hands and focus on that calming feeling, the ‘aliveness’ might intensify with time. Then move to your feet, feel the energy in your feet. Some like to visualise more with this and it’s a great way to distract the mind if it is wandering… You can imagine a ball of flames surround your feet… Stick with me people! A ball of flames that glows bright with each breath in and fades with each breath out. Move the ball of flames up and around your body with each breath, the ankles, the legs, the hips, the stomach, and onward till you are at the tip of your head and a meter beyond! You can feel the warmth of that throughout your body, that is your energy field!
We used to start with this practice at school in drama class and what a great way to level the body. You can try this with your mum, your nan, your housemates or your children to feel the life energy within yourselves and calm the mind from stress. Body awareness not only anchors you in the present moment, it is a doorway to letting go, it strengthens the immune system and the body’s ability to heal itself. Powerful stuff!
This is one of my favourite guided meditations from Oprah Winfrey, who we also adore and has a lot of ideas beyond yoga.
Ok so that is the foundation of feeling the body and listening to how it feels and slowing your breath. The next step is honouring the body with some movement, which is what the body loves and craves!
Adriene Mishler is one of the most popular yoga YouTubers for a reason. Her channel has just about every type of workout you could imagine: Yoga for beginners. Yoga for text neck. A video playlist of “Yoga for Uncertain Times” includes routines created specifically for loneliness, anxiety and “yoga for after disaster.”
If you need a quick shake-out after a long day at your home office, there’s a 10-minute routine for the shoulders, neck and upper back. To get a little deeper, try the 45-minute total body deep stretch. She has beginners programs and series for free that are just wonderful and her style is easy to follow and steady which is most enjoyable and will certainly get you on the right track!
Cole Chance is just dreamy, offering simple, useful routines and form advice alongside anatomical insight and just the occasional hint of dry humour. She also offers deeper tutorials on movements such as the crow pose or wild thing pose, so you will (hopefully) go back to your regular class ready to show off. The only downside? Being interrupted by ads just when you are getting in the zone, but the range of classes and inspiration it’s worth the 20 second wait!
A lot of the top teachers and studios have their own websites - full to the brim of loving practice and courses from beginner to advanced levels. Here are a few options, remember to keep listening to your body when your being guided as well.
My yoga teacher trained with Katy Appleton, she is brilliant! Her spirit is uplifting and her practice has so much knowledge on anatomy and the more spiritual side of yoga. On the website you will find links to her “Elements” videos. For this time we are in I would recommend the two “Earth” practices you can get for £10. She also is on youtube on Ekhart Yoga’s channel here.
Well and Good Studios
Anna and Charlie from Well and Good Studios in Godalming, Surrey and our lovely stockists have the studio currently closed for the virus, but still have an excellent offering online in both yoga, pilates and barre, all of which you can follow from the comfort of your home and for £5! Which is wonderful. So you can keep your body and mind healthy and happy in these uncertain times, well worth it - see their schedule here. .
Jeff Phenix
Recommended by many, my yoga teacher studied under him sometime ago and been on retreat with him in Thailand, he has a brilliant practice and is offering live sessions on a Tuesday evening and Saturday morning at the moment on a donation basis. Find and support his teachings here.
This is a really brilliant site or app with LOTS of great content to choose from. Tiffany Cruikshank, Elena Bower, Annie Carpenter, Jason Crandall and Rod Stryker are all very experienced excellent teachers that feature, among many others. I really enjoy Taylor Hawkness series for morning yoga. There are also meditation options here and beginner flows, HIIT, dance barre and pilates! Love this one as an app on my TV so simple and I can change my living room into a yoga studio with group and live classes! Just roll out your mat... They have a free trial too here.
Mariel Whitmond & Kuula TV
Mariel has practiced ashtanga and vinyasa flow yoga around the world for over a decade. Leaving behind her high powered and high stress corporate job that left her unfulfilled and unhappy (becoming a familiar story!) she achieved her longtime dream of becoming a yoga teacher in the hopes of sharing with others the countless ways it has positively impacted her life.
Mariel shares a passion for life coaching and nutrition that together with yoga have become the pillars for her business Mindful Sonder - a holistic approach to wellbeing. During lockdown she launched Kuula TV, a brilliant platform to find your favourite teachers on and a vast range of styles and difficulties, great if you have a favourite teacher to follow.
Kuula is a video & streaming platform purpose-built for the health and wellness space. Taking the hassle out of scheduling, payments, delivery, and discovery, while enhancing quality, community, and support — so that you can focus on enjoying your classes, wherever in the world you may be.
Victoria Adams Yoga
When she is not teaching at Soho Farmhouse or jetting across the world with retreats as a private yoga teacher, Victoria teaches beginners through to advanced, always coming from the mindset that the body can do amazing things when it learns how.
She has worked with elite sportsmen and women including highly-decorated British Olympians. Influenced by Yin Yoga and Ashtanga, If you are interested in private classes online as well as online retreats during this time to give you structure and a deeper well of learning, as well as the opportunity to hone your skills, tone your body, relieve stress and learn more about nutrition and your body. This course indulges in your goals and needs, whilst also allowing you plenty of time to honour your work + family commitments. Take a look here.
The five Tibetan rites, something different to try.
The 5 Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation Tutorial: Bruce Forsyth swore by this practice! It will keep you young and can even reverse the signs of ageing.
So there has never been a better time to try yoga, to take some time for yourself and to move your body. Take it slowly, this is your practice and its not a race, its a very special journey.
Namaste x