Fashion, Style, Vetements, looking and feeling just darn good in your clothes, it’s not something we usually talk about in yoga class or consider the yogi way, as we try to escape ‘the ego’, let it fall by the way side and connect to our higher selves. But in our day-to-day lives in the real, modern world, style is such a key way to communicate your tribe, your vision and your outlook in the world. It can also really affect your confidence, how you feel about our life and address the balance on and off the mat.
Sometimes life pushes you right to the edge. You wake up and can almost see the walls crumbling around you, as you stand up and gaze at your surroundings. It doesn’t feel like it’s ‘you’ anymore, you’ve gotten lost under all those layers and labels; mother, wife, divorcee, career woman, carer… That’s when the light beams through the smallest cracks in the walls, just like it always will. When you emerge from the world you have created and find you have lost your spark, your style, your feeling of self, what do you do? Well, Yoga can certainly help cut through that noise but also an effective tool can be to re-look at your wardrobe and pull it all out and literally put it all back together… but better!
‘I am fortunate that I have had a chance to re-evaluate my life at the age of 40 plus with two small children and a divorce under my belt. What it has taught me is that life is precious, incredibly so. Too precious to let any more time slip by without living a more intentional lifestyle where I do all of the things that I dream of doing and start being the person that I believe I can be.
Intentional living is not a new concept but it is one that can fall by the wayside when you have achieved your initial goals to have 2.4 children, live in a nice house and go on a couple of nice holidays a year. As I have got older and hit the pause button on my life I have had a huge reassessment of what is important to me and how I want to live out the precious years ahead of me.
Not all of you reading this will need this advice. Some people just have their shit together and live a very intentional, values & purpose driven lifestyle already but I meet a lot of women like me who; after having children, may have let life get on top of them whilst they tried to keep everything together.
Really taking time out to think about what it is that you want from life and how you show up each day is massively important to the quality of life that you will achieve. Spending time on you and your wants & desires is a form of self-care that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Styling my best life has taken a lot of work to even recognise what it is that drives me. Now that I know, I have an overriding sense of purpose through my lifestyle and my work and that person that I hoped one day to become is now me.
I’m not talking about blowing the ship on your life; I’m talking about really thinking about the direction you are going in and whether this suits you. For me self-image has played a very important part in my journey. It is something that I have ignored and then focussed in on and then ignored again whilst I tried to get the balance right. Through my experimentation with this and deeper investigation into it I have discovered that it is a great big deal; self image defines who you are to yourself & the world and if this essence of yourself is off, then how you interact with life is also affected in a big way.

Really honing in on my self-image has allowed me to address my wider lifestyle goals and streamline my life to one that is lived purposefully and with intent (well that’s the goal but sometimes I still slip up, I’m only human!!). All of the overwhelm of decision making and comparison has been replaced with a sense of calm and a new confidence in myself. This is me. This is the life that I want to live and I have styled it exactly as I want it to be. I am steering my ship now rather than just being buffeted by the storm and you can too.
If you would like to regain your sense of self, find your happy and reduce your overwhelm then drop me a line and we can work on creating the best version of yourself.
My methodology is simple…to create a signature style that works with your lifestyle and your vision of yourself by completing my ‘Style your Best Life’ Workbook, which gets us into the real nitty gritty. We then go through your wardrobe and reduce, refine and reassess making outfits as we go and working out what is missing to move you forward towards the capsule wardrobe that you have always dreamt of.
The result is an authentic, confident and lighter version of yourself who feels more organised, less overwhelmed and totally focused on the important things in life like family and achievements rather than worrying about what to wear and how you show up each day.
Another huge benefit of taking the time to do this process is that you will buy less and live more as you will be spending less on clothing; this is all about quality over quantity. We’re not talking fast fashion we are talking style that is enduring and timeless which means that you will not only look great but you are also helping to save the planet. Once you have your capsule wardrobe in place you can add to it piece by piece over time from an array of sources saving items from landfill and ensuring that your look is as individual as you are.
Style your best life and save the planet whilst you do it…what could be better?
As a gift for all those who want to make a change but haven’t got the funds to put towards it right now you can get your hands on my ‘Style your Best Life’ Workbook when you subscribe to my blog where you will also receive more inspiration & resources. Simply completing this will give you the focus and inspiration to make positive changes.
Life is here to be lived; lets consciously live our best lives together,’
Sarah x