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The quartz stone of the heart and a crystal of unconditional love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort.

Rose Quartz speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a divine loving energy throughout the entire Aura. Reawakening the heart to its own innate love, it provides a deep sense of personal fulfillment and contentment, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others. Like most quartz stones, Rose Quartz is a healing stone that many people like to use for love in all it's forms, self love, loving those around you and creating peace and tranquility.

A beautiful stone for those grieving, healing from a broken heart and help low self esteem and moving into a more positive loving frequency.

Frequency - 350 Hz - Elevate and harmonise your heart energy.



Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone. It is also a stone of meditation and enhances spiritual awareness and stimulates the mind, psychic abilities, and one’s connection to your higher self.

A wonderful stone for connecting to your intuition, we tend to loose our connection to our gut feelings and knowing, which is such an important guide in life, Amethyst helps to strengthen your intuition when held in meditation and can help to listen for guidance in journalling and develop your trust within.

As you may well know - all matter vibrates. Each crystal has a unique vibration and purpose. Amethyst emits very strong vibrations at a frequency which can influence the human spirit to feel at peace, relaxed, content and soothed. The frequency of the vibration of purple light corresponds to the same frequency as the crown chakra. This effect means amethyst crystals are very effective for crystal healing and can help a wide range of health issues including relief from cancers, migraines, digestive problems and hormonal imbalance. Wearing Amethyst creates a balance of energy and well being.

Frequency - 963 Hz - ‘Frequency of the gods’ - Oneness and connection.



Such a beautiful, calming, soothing gem stone. Dreamy and ethereal, the stone of reflection - a great stone to calm the emotions and keep you centered and focussed, which is great for dealing with trauma.

Helping you get into alignment and rich in Goddess energy, this stone is wonderful to get into meditation, connecting with our inner wisdom, the Moonstone is all prisms of light and psychic protection. Connecting to dreams, bringing sweet clarity, this stone is a cosmic connector. To help you calmly connect to your higher self, and listen for the guidance to move forward.

This stone helps to connect to the divine feminine and the cycles of the moon, wearing moonstone is said to be supportive for childbearing, pregnancy, hormone cycles and balancing your feminine side and energy.

Frequency - 210.42 Hz Moon Frequency

Rainbow Moonstone channels the white light of healing and the multi-color spectrum of the rainbow activating vibrational healing for all chakras. Rainbow Moonstone supports cycles on all levels and allows for the flow of information in life and experience opening one up to spiritual gifts and divine timing. Repels psychic attacks and helps calm an overactive mind as well as nuturing self-worth and good fortune, helping you to manifest your goals with positive and uplifting energies.



Known as the lucky stone, a powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Onyx is a stone that offers up powerful vibrations of strength, focus, and willpower. This stone helps propel you forward in life. By activating your root, solar plexus, and third eye Chakras, one is able to fully ground themselves to Earth. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength, especially when supporting in times of stress. This stone has a slow, grounding frequency - by aligning with the earth vibration, you can build the chakras to align and flow whilst deepening your connection to the self. Onyx can help to keep in line; stay focused and brings a significant gain in personal power for people with a lot of ideas.

Frequency - 396 Hz - Black onyx has a grounding, stable frequency because it is a crystal that took its time in formation, freeing us from fear and guilt.



This beautiful light marbled stone is associated with inner calm, stress release, and calming an over-active mind. Howlite has extremely useful metaphysical properties that will aid you to deal with aggressive people. This calming stone benefits the third eye and crown chakra to assist your meditation and connect with ease. Often worn as a reminder of patience and peace, it is known to soothe the soul. Encouraging restful sleep, calm and healing. Howlite is an attunement stone, which links us to higher spiritual consciousness and is a lovely stone to use when we need to reduce anxiety, tension, or stress, whilst it can absorb anger and negative energy.

Frequency - 852 Hz - Higher Frequency for Crown Chakra vibration.



Known as The Master Healer, and is one of the most versatile stones you can ever use. Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom.

Because it clarifies thought processes and emotions, it can increase inspiration and creativity. It can also help with concentration, studying and retaining what one learns. Clear Quartz stone is a sublime emotional aid and clears the energy of your home.

It is pure amplifier of thought and energy, making it a very potent stone for manifestation, healing, cleansing and clearing of negative energy as well. Since this amazing crystal vibrates incoherence with Earth’s electromagnetic field, it contains many benefits including connection with our Higher Selves, amplifier of sending prayers, enhancing meditation and amplifier of intentions.

Frequency - 32,768 Hz - Extremely high vibration

Ethical Sourced Crystals + Stones

All our crystals are hand selected for their beautiful quality and properties, each one a unique piece. We only select crystals from an Ethical Code Supplier who as part of the ethical trade organisation repeatedly inspect the rights and conditions of their workers and who support their employees, good vibes only!

Collection list

Amethyst Pure - the colour of optimism and transcendence, our purple hues are divine and made to inspire your yoga journey.

Collection Améthyste

Le violet est la couleur de la transcendance, une couleur de guérison, apaisant et inspirant votre connexion aux royaumes supérieurs et au soi supérieur. La...
Root Chakra Asana

Chakra racine Muladhara

Situé à la base de votre colonne vertébrale, le chakra racine se reflète dans les couleurs très fondamentales du rouge et du noir. Il vous...
