In 2020, the world lost over 30.1 million acres of tropical forest! These are difficult days in the fight against climate change, with COP26 just finished and pledges made. It’s hard to make dramatic change especially in countries without funding and without leaders driving to make the changes needed, there is no denying what is going on now, the evidence is here right now.
There are so many incredible projects Rainforest Trust are working on now in collaboration with other major charities to save our land before it’s too late - it really does give great hope as our collective call to arms and donations really do make a difference to the world. It’s why we chose to work with them, it really does go beyond planting a tree with every sale.
So we just had to share a few of the projects Rainforest Trust are working on now - as they are amazing ideas for conservation! Which is your choice for our donations?

The Chinko landscape in the heart of Africa is one of the largest intact and remote wilderness areas left on the planet.
5 species
510,232,159 mT
African Parks
Designation - working with local conservation partners that have the experience of the areas.
PROJECT COST: £6,380,536
The highly threatened Pangolin species call Chinko home.
Chinko is a rare and extraordinary meeting of forest and savanna, home to unique species.
African Forest Elephants (CR), African Wild Dogs (EN), Eastern Chimpanzees (EN), and a substantial population of Lions (VU) all thrive in the richly biodiverse ecosystems of Chinko. But decades of political and civil unrest have left these important landscapes and species vulnerable to deforestation and poaching.
Currently, there is a small window of opportunity to legally declare this landscape as a National Park and ensure long-term protection. We have teamed up with our partner, African Parks, to protect 5.7 million acres – an area larger than the country of Wales.
Your support will help store over 510 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents in our Earth – nearly equivalent to the annual emissions of every passenger vehicle in the United States.
Stop deforestation and poaching.
Chinko is located in eastern Central African Republic (CAR), one of the world’s least developed countries with nearly two-thirds of the population living in poverty.
Despite the rich biodiversity and ecological significance of Chinko, conservation efforts are often extremely difficult due to the country’s instability. Without formal protection, pastoralist communities have roamed freely, converting lands to cattle pasture and poaching wildlife.
Join our lasting solution
This project will provide long-term protection through sustainable management and rehabilitate damaged land. Our partner will deploy park guards to intercept pastoralist herders before they reach the park and guide them along specialized corridors to ensure they have access to outside lands for their livestock to feed. The protected area will also significantly expand protection to a massive wilderness that stretches across CAR and South Sudan.
We must take advantage of this rare opportunity. If action is not taken soon, the situation is at risk to deteriorate quickly. Your urgent support will help protect a vulnerable ecosystem with untold conservation potential.

This project has all donations matched x 4 by a very generous supporter - meaning change will hopefully happen asap. Currently, there is a small window of opportunity to legally declare this landscape as a National Park and ensure long-term protection.
Your support will help store over 510 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents in our Earth – nearly equivalent to the annual emissions of every passenger vehicle in the United States.

The forests of the Niger Delta are the only home of the Critically Endangered Niger Delta Red Colobus.
5 Species
345,444 mT
SW/Niger Delta Forest Project
PROJECT COST: £260,562
Stop reckless oil production!
The forested wetlands of the Niger Delta contain incredible biological importance as the largest River Delta in Africa, but since the 1950s this region has been plagued as the continent’s top oil producing region. The biggest names in the oil industry rely on this land for their supply, leading to reckless deforestation and pollution from almost daily oil spills. Compounded by extreme poverty and historical political unrest, the Niger Delta is suffering.
For the many endemic resident species, there is little opportunity left for survival without protection. The Critically Endangered and endemic Niger Delta Red Colobus was described by science just 30 years ago. Since then, populations have dropped nearly 80% due to habitat loss and bushmeat hunting and has ranked among the world’s 25 most threatened primates for the last decade. Less than 500 individuals remain in the wild. We must act now.
Save an entire species
Rainforest Trust and our partner, the SW/Niger Delta Forest Project, need your help as we work urgently to safeguard a 2,492- acre protected area that will safeguard a key portion of this highly threatened area, and nearly all of the remaining Niger Delta Red Colobus population.
This project will also save habitat for the endemic Sclater’s Guenon (EN) and Nigerian Putty-nosed Monkey (EN) and the Nigerian White-throated Monkey (EN), Grey Parrot (EN), White-bellied Pangolins (EN) and Red-capped Mangabeys (EN).
Help local communities take back their land
Local communities will take their land back and maintain stewardship and ownership of this conservation effort, ultimately ensuring the project’s long-term sustainability.
Your support in protecting a small piece of habitat in the core of this vulnerable region can save an entire species and provide a successful model for others to replicate.
You can cleanse your crystals and stones when you wish by simply rinsing in water, be gentle, rinsing them whilst meditating on their use can be a lovely practice and leaving them out in the full moon light to recharge when needed.

For the many endemic resident species, there is little opportunity left for survival without protection. The Critically Endangered and endemic Niger Delta Red Colobus was described by science just 30 years ago. Since then, populations have dropped nearly 80% due to habitat loss and bushmeat hunting and has ranked among the world’s 25 most threatened primates for the last decade. Less than 500 individuals remain in the wild. We must act now.

Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is covered with dense tropical rainforest home to Critically Endangered species like Grauer’s Gorillas, Chimpanzees and newly recognized African Forest Elephants.
6 species
195,501,691 mT
Strong Roots
PROJECT COST: £777,562
Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is rich in rare species and stored carbon…
Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is covered with dense tropical rainforest home to Critically Endangered species like Grauer’s Gorillas, Chimpanzees and newly recognized African Forest Elephants.
Rainforest Trust and our local partner, Strong Roots, urgently need your help to stop deforestation and protect 769,543 acres of healthy rainforest. The proposed site will encompass a beautiful mosaic of forest types–including high altitude, dense tropical rainforests and old-growth forests.
This “carbon vault” is a top priority for the Rainforest Climate Action Fund because it will store vast amounts of carbon in their wood and roots, locking up much of that carbon in perpetuity. Once protected, a total of 195,501,690 metric tons of CO2 equivalents–commensurate to the annual energy emissions of every home in California and Texas combined–will be stored safely in the Earth.
Stop fragmentation and illegal activities
Years of civil unrest and violence in the region have inflicted untold destruction on the natural range of countless species. A thriving illegal economy of mining and poaching is fragmenting habitat and decimating species populations.
Despite being one of the most resource-rich countries in the world, DRC is one of the least developed; nearly 80% of the population lives below the poverty line. Displacement as a result of poverty or violence has resulted in an unsustainable dependence upon natural resources for survival.

Conservation in Eastern DRC has been a top priority for Rainforest Trust. For nearly a decade they have worked in this landscape to safeguard critical habitat for highly threatened species like the Grauer’s Gorilla and African Forest Elephant. Their long-term commitment to these vulnerable forests has resulted in protecting over five million acres, and this project is another important step to bolster conservation in the region.
The long-term success of this project is underpinned by community engagement. Through the designation of community forest concessions, Strong Roots will work with the local people to create conservation plans, formulate successful sustainable livelihoods and promote local natural resource governance. This will provide local communities and indigenous peoples with sustainable forest management skills.
There are many urgent projects that Rainforest Trust are working on - we usually donate to the Conservation Fund and let them decide where the money is best placed - though this time - we reached out to them to ask which are the projects most needing help now, and thought you could help decide!
Comment below the project you are most drawn to! You can explore and make your own donations to any of the projects on their website - link button below!
Let’s all work together to make sure our money goes 100% to the projects needed - like with Rainforest Trust where it is guaranteed that your money goes fully to the projects and not to the admin!